Voter Resources

Voter Registration

Check your voter registration, where you can register, and voting/ballot drop-of locations.

Rock the Vote

Non-partisan non-profit building political power amongst young people & first time voters

VOTE 411

Comprehensive voting and election resource by League of Women Voters.

Voter Registration - USA Government

Official website from US Government for information on voter registration. Allows for users to register to vote, provides registration deadlines and includes a video guide.

Vote Save America

Invests in grassroots organizations to bolster volunteering efforts and promote democracy. Find registration information as well as comprehensive information on midterm elections in each U.S. region.

Voting Advocacy & Education


Promotes fair elections, engages voter participation and educates voters on rights.

ACLU for Voter Rights

Educational resources from the ACLU focused on voter rights and issues such as as voter suppression, gerrymandering, ballot access, and voter restoration.

Work the Polls

Grassroots effort to support folks to work the polls on election day. Every year, polling sites are understaffed and the average poll worker is 60+ years old. A poll worker is a paid election day staffer.

Emily’s List

Supports folks to get involved in elections Backs candidates for office looking to improve education, health care, voting rights, economic equality.

Specialized Organizations

League of Women Voters

Founded in 1920, LWV is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to protecting and expanding voting rights. Focused on protecting voter freedom, improving elections, reducing money’s political influence, fighting for fair redistricting. 


Social justice organization centered around liberation of women, trans and cisgender, gender nonbinary and anyone who has been marginalized due to their gender. Organizing through text and contact, encouraging voter safety.

Move On

Organizing grassroots advocacy campaigns for progressive causes moving the dial forward for social justice and political action.

National Center for Transgender Equality

Organization advocating for policies and candidates that support transgender people in the U.S. with the mission of increasing acceptance and understanding of trans people in society. 

Planned Parenthood

Check out regional voting guides and candidate endorsement that center reproductive rights.